"Matanat A" celebrates Novruz holiday


Novruz means incoming of spring, rejuvenation of nature and spirit and a new life. Since ancient times, our country has been celebrating this holy holiday adhering to all customs and traditions. It is very popular with our people who always celebrate this holiday with warmth. Those who are at quarrel make their peace, people tidy up carefully their houses, cook national cuisine dishes and pastries, play national games, make fires, etc.

Novruz is celebrated not only at home and in the bosom of family but also in all official and non-official organizations of our country. Every year, the Matanat A group of companies is excited about preparations for the Novruz holiday and uses best endeavours to organize the festive event at the highest level. And this time is no exception. All enterprises, plants, warehouses and regional representative offices within the group of companies held a number of festive events. In the official part of the event, the company’s management team and employees delivered their speeches devoted to ancient origin of this holiday, its history, customs and traditions, and next they drew round the festive table and took part in traditional festive games. After that, the festivities went on around the Novruz fire.

Matanat A congratulates our people on the Novruz holiday once again and wishes welfare and every success. Happy Holiday!